4th International Indonesia Forum, June 27-28, 2011

Economic and political developments supporting more democratic structures in a globalizing international world provide opportunities but also pose challenges for Indonesia and the increasingly globalized Indonesian citizens of the 21st century. In order to face these challenges and seize these opportunities education is essential. Issues of affordable access to and quality of Indonesian education are an essential component of the theme of this year’s conference. In a broader sense we also welcome scholars to consider values taught external to the formal educational establishment, including those within families, communities, places of worship and businesses as these represent a foundational part of the individual educational experience of Indonesians today. On both the structural and national levels there are also important issues of development and Indonesian nationalism that need to be addressed to meet the challenges of tomorrow. This is especially true in a country of great diversity containing such a broad range of distinct individuals and groups who comprise this Indonesian state where education colors and shapes the Indonesian national character and social fabric, teaching what it means to be Indonesian while appreciating the unique diversity that strengthens the Indonesian nation-state as an emerging leader in the international community.

The 4th International Indonesia Forum sponsored by Yale University and UNY, will focus on education in Indonesia. As with past Fora, the topic will be approached by scholars of various disciplines from diverse angles. Papers are welcome exploring all aspects of the unique mix that shapes Indonesia today as education serves as a tool that can be applied to make people into better citizens, parents, businessmen, artists, and politicians in the Indonesian nation-state framework.

Therefore we call upon the expertise of scholars from Indonesia and beyond to pool their expertise to address this issue. The 4th International Indonesia Forum Conference will be held at Yogyakarta State University in Yogyakarta on June 27-28, 2011.


DAY 1 – JUNE 27

07.30 – 08.30 : Registration
08:30 – 9:45 : Opening Ceremony

–Welcome: Frank Dhont, Yale Indonesia Forum
–Opening Speech: Rachmat Wahab, President, Yogyakarta State University
–Keynote Speech: Suyanto, Director-General, Department of Primary and Secondary
Education, Ministry of Education, Republic of Indonesia
–Presentation of “Social Justice and Rule of Law: addressing the growth of a
pluralistic Indonesian democracy”
 (publication #3 of the International Conference      Book Series) to Yogyakarta State University by Frank Dhont, YIF Coordinator, Yale      University)
–Presentation of Souvenir by Sardiman, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and      Economics, Yogyakarta State University

9.45 – 10.00 : Coffee break

10.00-12.00: Panel 1: ENRICHED THROUGH CULTURE

Moderator: Rommel Curaming, University of Brunei Darussalam

Nahiyah Jaidi Faraz, Yogyakarta State University
“Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship education: a science-based batik home industry in Yogyakarta Indonesia.”

Andrew M. Carruthers, Yale University
“On the Accreditation of ‘Local content’: notes toward an ethnography of local language pedagogy in Makassar, Indonesia”

I Nyoman Sedana, Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Denpasar
“Village and School Dalang Training Education and Management”

Jennifer Goodlander, University of Kentucky
“Local Traditions and National Identity: Studying Balinese Performing Arts in the 21st Century.”

12.00 – 13.00 : Lunch break

13.00 – 15.00 : Parallel Sessions


Moderator: H. Purwanta, Sanata Dharma University

Rommel Curaming, University of Brunei Darussalam, and Freddy Kalidjernih, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung
“Good Intent Gone Bad: The Politics of Blame in Education Discourses in Indonesia”

Philip King, Murdoch University
“Internationalizing Indonesian Universities: Trends, Achievement and Barriers”

Tulus Warsito, Universiti Utara Malaysia- Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University
“International Studies in Indonesia: Problems of Reflecting Indonesian Nation Building”

Christian Rudianto, Satya Wacana University
“Should English teachers feel guilty”


Moderator: Lukas S. Ispandriarno, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University

Endro Dwi Hatmanto, Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University
“Cultivating Values in the English Language Teaching: A Step toward Indonesian Generation with Sound Morality”

Indah Mustikawati and Naning Margasari, Yogyakarta University
“The Role of Enterpreneurship Education in Empowering the Unemployed Community: Case Study in the Poor Region of Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia”

Khairu R. Sobandi, Jenderal Soedirman University
“No More Access to Justice? Education of Vulnerable Communities in Kampung Laut Area Surrounding Nusakambangan Island, Indonesia”

Nicolas Cesard, Anton P. Widjata and Edi Petebang, EHESS-IRIS and Dayakology Institute
“Multicultural education and peace building in West Kalimantan. Some opportunities and challenges for a pluralist society”

15.00 – 15.30 : Coffee break

15.30 – 17.30 Parallel Sessions


Moderator: Frank Dhont, Yale University

Jeonghun Jeong, Jeonbuk National University
“The Ethnicity and National Identity among Transmigrants: The Acehnese-an Ethnic Group Living in Jakarta”

Sujadi, Leiden University
“The Struggle of Roisah’s Organizers for Qualified and Free non-formal Islamic Education in Surodadi”

Stefani Nugroho, Singapore National University
“And then there were many: Education and the proliferation of identities in post-authoritarian Indonesia”


Moderator: Naning Margasari, Yogyakarta State University

Agus Suwignyo, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Leiden University
“Religious education in public schools in Indonesia 1850-2010: A History of Missed Opportunity”

Ary Burdiyanto, Gadjah Mada University
“Revisiting the Education of Public Morality As Seen Through Islamic Consumerism”

Nadiatus Salama, Wali songo State Institute of Islamic Studies
“Islamic Education and Modernity; The Shifting of Pesantren Towards Multiculturalism in Indonesia”

Yudi Perbawaningsih, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
“The relations between communication education and industry in Indonesia: where should it go?”
DAY 2 – JUNE 28

08.00 – 09.30 : Registration

09.30 – 11.30 Parallel Sessions


Moderator: Rommel Curaming, University of Brunei Darussalam

Sri Margana, Gadjah Mada University
“Reinventing Cultural Identity: The Rise of Local Historiography in Banyuwangi”

Frank Dhont, Yale University
“Values from the ‘founding fathers’ of Indonesia”

Charley Sullivan, University of Michigan
“Orang Indonesia, siapa ya? – Using primary documents to explore the historical roots of Indonesian identity in the classroom”

Thomas J. Conners, Maryland University
“Muatan Lokal: Non-local identity and language education in Indonesia”


Moderator: H. Purwanta, Sanata Dharma University

Al Makin
, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University
“Inter-religious harmony and multiculturalism education: A Study of A. Mukti Alif’s thoughts”

Claudia Seise, Humboldt University of Berlin
“What Happens after Class? Islamic Concepts and Values in the Indonesian Pesantren”

11.30 – 12.30 : Lunch break

12.30 – 14.30 : Parallel SessionS


Moderator: Stefanus Nindito, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University

June Cahyantingtyas, State Veteran University Yogyakarta
“Women and Literacy: assessing the Role of Women in Promoting Literacy”

Alimatul Qibtiyah, University of Western Sydney
“Progressive Gender Activists and Scholars in Indonesian Universities”

Abdul Wahid
, Utrecht University
“Figuring out the Colonial Society: Population Census and Ethno-Social Categorization in Colonial Indonesia”

Bagus Sigit Sunarko and Ahmad Bashwir Abdul Gani, University of North Malaysia
“Civilizing Civil Society in Post-New Order Indonesia


Moderator: Frank Dhont, Yale University

Roberto Akyuwen and Budi Nugroho, Ministry of Finance Republic Indonesia
“The Causality between Economic Growth and Education Level in Indonesia”

Matthias Heise, TU Dortmund University
“Civic Political Education and Security Sector Reform”

Antonius Diksa Kuntara, Sanata Dharma University
“Educational level, Business sector preference and Business Success”

Abubakar Eby Hara, Universiti Utara Malaysia
“Education for Peace: Introducing Ethics in Teaching International Relations”

14.30 – 15.00: coffee break


Moderator: Thomas J. Conners, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Ro’fah, McGill University
“The Forgotten Crowds: Students with Disabilities in the Indonesian Universities”

Sugito, Yogyakarta State University
“Developing Self-Directed Learning of Adult Learners in Non-formal Educational Programs”

Raihani, Univ of West Australia
“Social Justice in Education: Student’s Perspectives of School Practices”

17.00-17.30: Closing Ceremony

–Closing Remarks: Naning Margasari, Yogyakarta State University
–Closing Speech: Sardiman, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Yogyakarta State University

19:00: Dinner offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics,
Yogyakarta State University

Conference Organizers:
Frank Dhont, Yale University
Naning Margasari, Yogyakarta State University
Rommel A. Curaming, University of Brunei Darusallam
Thomas J. Conners, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Cooperating Institutions:
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
Indonesian History Studies Centre, Sanata Dharma University
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Diponegoro University