10th International Indonesia Forum, July 25-26, 2017

Indonesian Exceptionalism: Values and Morals of the Middle Ground

‘Exceptionalism’ is a borrowed political term that implies that a country or entity is somehow special. Indonesia is not small. Indonesia is not poor in cultures, religions, society, or ethnic groups. Indonesia is not unimportant economically, regionally, or politically. Historically, Indonesia has always been an exceptional place. Indonesia as ‘imagined community’ continues to be an ongoing process. Today, but with similar size and diversity as the whole continent Europe, Indonesia stands as this democratic nation of over 250 million people, all of whom have their own identity background. Today’s Indonesia is the realization of a long and challenging historical process, and still it has its share of remaining difficulties and challenges. In that environment Indonesian individuals and groups, as well as Indonesian society and leadership, must make decisions on a daily basis regarding how to meet these challenges based on their own norms and values. The way these values and norms are played out in society and in interactions with others who hold their own norms and values has created the middle ground of interaction that Indonesia holds through a balance of power, a middle ground or meeting place for deliberation (Musyawarah) and consensus building (Mufakat) regarding the differences and diversities that make Indonesia exceptional.

The 10th IIF conference will look at morals and values on the scales of Indonesian individuals, groups, society, government organizations, and even the nation in realizing and protecting Indonesia as a country and nation, as well as the ability of individuals, groups, and society to interact in deliberation and consensus building. We therefore again invite experts and scholars from all disciplines to gather for the 10th International Indonesia Forum Conference, with the theme “Indonesian Exceptionalism: Values and Morals of the Middle Ground”, at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Various questions that can be raised include: What are relevant Indonesian values and morals for maintaining Indonesia’s competitiveness in the global world? What is religion’s contribution to forming agreed values and ethics? To what extent is there an Indonesian contribution in balancing Islamic values and democratic practices? How do religious values impact the ethics of state governance?

Track 1: Values and Public Values
Track 2: Pancasila: A Philosophical Value
Track 3: Religion and Its Contribution to Public Ethics
Track 4: Values and Morals in Government Ethics
Track 5: Values and Morals and Ethics in Social Communities

We welcome the contributions of scholars working on various aspects related to this broad topic of values and morals in the middle ground of deliberation and consensus to the 10th International Indonesia Forum, which will be held in Yogyakarta at the Jusuf Kalla School of Government, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, from 25 to 26 July 2017.

Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to submit a short CV and one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or Microsoft Word) to Dr Frank Dhont and Christopher Woodrich at frank.dhont@iif. or. id and christopher.woodrich@iif. or. id, respectively by March 31, 2017. All abstracts must be in English, and papers will likewise be presented in English.

Further information is available at the following links: schedule, panels list .

Frank Dhont
International Indonesia Forum

Ahmad Nurmandi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

IIF Conference presenters together with GKR Hemas
10th IIF Closing Session
Speakers on the final day of the 10th International Indonesia Forum Conference