13th International Indonesia Forum, August 24-26, 2020

13th International Indonesia Forum Conference

The Center and Periphery: Development and Sustainable Management of Indonesian Resources.

First day of the 13th IIF Conference


The 13th annual multi-discipline International Indonesia Forum (IIF) will focus on the enormity of Indonesia’s challenge of balancing the interests of the center and the periphery (centripetal and anti-centripetal forces). Questions of development and equal sharing of opportunities and resources as well as the sustainable management and creation of opportunities for Indonesia are reflected in Indonesia’s motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity).

Indonesia is the world’s 4th largest nation with a vibrant democracy rich in people, territory, resources – all of which provide huge opportunities, but generate challenges – in development and sustainable management. This can create tension as the interests of all Indonesians at both the center and at the periphery need to be safeguarded and respected.

The protection of Indonesia’s vast cultural, natural and social heritage and resources when left to the current generation of Indonesians forms a responsibility which is felt by individuals in remote villages all the way up to the top echelons of Indonesian power and even reverberates in respect of the position Indonesia takes in a globalizing world.

The theme of the 13th International Indonesia Forum Conference, The Center and Periphery: Development and Sustainable Management of Indonesian Resources, touches upon issues of religious, cultural, social, as well as economic and natural resources. For the 13th Conference this year we call upon scholars of various disciplines to explore how the center and periphery can work together to answer the challenges in developing and sustainably managing these Indonesian resources. We invite the contributions of scholars in bringing their expertise to address the various aspects of these issues and welcome them to the 13th International Indonesia Forum, which will be held at:

Virtual Host: Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas, Medan, Indonesia
Physical Location: National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
From 24 to 26 August, 2020.

Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to submit a short CV and one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or Microsoft Word) to Dr. Frank Dhont at frank.dhont@iif.or.id and secretariat@iif.or.id, respectively, by 30 June, 2020. All abstracts must be in English and papers will likewise be presented in English.

Compilation of online participants on days 1, 2 and 3 of the conference moderated by Frank Dhont (days 2 and 3) and technical support by Pin-Hsun Tsai.

To be guaranteed access please fill out the: IIF 13 Registration Form for Online Access here.
For the IIF 13 Online Meeting link itself please click HERE.


Dr. Frank Dhont
International Indonesia Forum
Dr. Godlif Sianipar
Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Physical Participants at the 13th International Indonesia Forum Conference Venue in National Cheng Kung University.
Online Opening Speech by Prof. Dr. Sihol Situngkir, President of the Catholic University of Saint Thomas, Indonesia.
Prof. Dr. Chung-I Lin, Vice-President of National Cheng Kung University presenting Nusantara: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Tari Puspanjali performed by dancer and choreographer Koming Somawati and her daughters.
Panel 1 with speakers Made Mantle Hood, Felicitas Wiji Lestari, Vitoria Rau, Frank Dhont (moderator) and speaker Greg Acciaioli during his presentation.
Panel 2 with physical speakers: Chien-Wen Yang, Frank Dhont, Priska Lydia Sulistyawati Pulungan, Syuan-Yuan Chiou, and Made Mantle Hood (moderator).
Panel 3 with physical speakers Chin-Ming Lin (Tamkang University) and Donny Lin (National Taiwan Normal University).