2024 – 17TH ANNUAL IIF

17th International Indonesia Forum Conference

Unity in Diversity:

Appreciating the ‘local’ in Indonesia.

First day of the 17th International Indonesia Forum Conference, State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, 27 August 2024.


The motto “Unity in Diversity” is a hallmark of Indonesian identity. The various groups and peoples living in the archipelago all contribute to form Indonesia. The country’s strength comes from decades of cooperation, integration, and conflict resolution, all of which have been integral to maintaining the united Indonesian republic. The 17th International Indonesia Forum seeks to emphasize the uniqueness and singular preciousness of the various components of Indonesian unity, as well as the localities that geographically, thematically, or conceptually all brings out a unique aspect of the nation. These localities, ranging from Sabang to Merauke, each of which warrants highlighting and understanding. Therefore, the conference calls once again upon the community of scholars of Indonesia to gather and share their research on the various characteristics, good or bad, as well as the challenges and achievements that contribute to the Indonesian gado gado known to all.

The 17th International Indonesia Forum conference will be held on 27-28 August 2024, at the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to submit a short CV and one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or Microsoft Word) to Dr. Frank Dhont at frank.dhont@iif.or.id and secretariat@iif.or.id, respectively, by 30 March 2024 (extension until 3 April 2024 because of Easter). All abstracts must be in English, and papers will likewise be presented in English.



(Because of scheduling issues in Ar-Raniry due to incoming student orientation week all the presentations for IIF17 had to be rescheduled to day 1)

Opening Speeches by Prof. Mujiburrahman, Prof. Frank Dhont and Prof. Yusrizal
Opening Speeches by Prof. Mujiburrahman, Prof. Frank Dhont and Prof. Yusrizal
Traditional Achenese Saman Dance Performance

Welcome Dinner Speech: the Mayor of Banda Aceh Mr. Ade Surya, ST, ME and  Dean, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Ar-Raniry Prof. Salman Abdul Mutthalib.
Various participants and committee members IIF17 Banda Aceh.
Tour of Banda Aceh provided by UIN Ar-Raniry for Conference Speakers.
Closing Meeting and Discussion Prof. Will Tuchrello (IIF), Prof. Frank Dhont (IIF) and Prof. Syamsul Rijal (Ar-Raniry / ADI).

Associate Prof. Dr. Frank Dhont, MA, MHum.

Chair, International Indonesia Forum

Prof. Dr. Mujiburrahman, M. Ag.

President, State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry

Prof. Dr. Salman Abdul Muthalib, Lc, M