Rising to the Occasion: Indonesian Creativity, Ingenuity, and Innovation in a World in Transition
Both inside and outside of Indonesia, the reality of the interconnected global world poses various challenges to Indonesia and its people. Time and time again, innovation and creativity has been shown by Indonesians in various fields and domains of life. The ability of Indonesia and Indonesians to adapt and meet such challenges shows their creativity, ingenuity and innovation. This can be expressed and discerned in a multitude of ways, from the way Indonesian students, workers, and women adapt to the local and foreign societies in which they may find themselves to the way individuals, artists, activists, etc. express themselves in Indonesian society and beyond, from the political, cultural, economic, and linguistic challenges (both in rural communities as well as urban and other groups in Indonesia) to the way the Indonesian government and its branches sees and takes its place in a global world engaging with others nations. All of these cases show an ability and need to rise to the occasion. The arts, social issues, questions of society or religion, the way Indonesian businesses are run, the way Indonesian politics is conducted locally, regionally, and nationally all have Indonesians who, as actors, show innovation and creativity to rise to the challenges put in front of them.
The 12th International Indonesian Forum, finding itself in a changing world, will for the first time be held outside of Indonesia. It will take place from 26–27 June 2019 in National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan.
Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to submit a short CV and one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or Microsoft Word) to Dr Frank Dhont and Christopher Woodrich at frank.dhont@iif.or.id and christopher.woodrich@iif.or.id, respectively, by 31 March 2019. All abstracts must be in English, and papers will likewise be presented in English. For practical information on the conference and Tainan, see this document. For the conference program click here.
Frank Dhont
International Indonesia Forum
Yuh-Neu Chen
National Cheng Kung University