14th International Indonesia Forum Conference
Resolve and Perseverance

Problems, from the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020–2021 to various older and deeper social, economic, ecological, and political issues, have always been a part of Indonesian society. Yet, faced with these challenges, Indonesia has continued to look toward the future. Indonesian history shows that belief, resolve, and perseverance—even in the face of hardship and suffering—permeates the teachings of the various Indonesian religions; the social work of NGOs; and the policies of the government. A desire to make the future better has inspired businessmen, teachers, families, students and others. Even though these issues are not so easily resolved, and may linger for generations, they are nonetheless challenges that Indonesia must deal with.
The 14th International Indonesia Forum, themed “Resolve and Perseverance”, invites contributions from scholars from throughout the scientific community to present their research on problems or challenges that have highlighted Indonesian resolve and perseverance. This covers a wide range of issues, from pandemics to climate change, from poverty alleviation to corruption, from legal and administrative issues to philosophical and religious inspirational ones. The conference welcomes research on various examples, from past cases that have been successfully addressed due to the honest resolve and humble perseverance of responsible actors in Indonesia to contemporary and future challenges that remain urgent.
The 14th International Indonesia Forum conference will be held October 22-24 2021, using a hybrid online–offline format. It will be virtually hosted by Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas in Medan, Indonesia, and supported by Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in cooperation with the 2021 Wenzao International Conference on Southeast Asian Studies, Taiwan, where the physical component will take place. Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to submit a short CV and one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or Microsoft Word) to Dr. Frank Dhont at frank.dhont@iif.or.id and secretariat@iif.or.id, respectively, by July 31, 2021. All abstracts must be in English, and papers will likewise be presented in English.

To be guaranteed access please fill out the: IIF 14 Registration Form for Online Access here.
For the IIF 14 Online Meeting link itself please click HERE. IIF14 uses Webex for the whole 3 day conference (including the opening speeches). This link will instantly allow you to enter the online conference room.
For the IIF 14 Keynote Speech link only please click . This Keynote speech is also a Stanford Southeast Asia Program Webinar. Please register in advance by using the link. We use ZOOM for the IIF 14 Keynote Speech ONLY because of our cooperation with the Southeast Asia Program, Shorenstein APARC, Stanford University.
Dr. Frank Dhont
International Indonesia Forum
Dr. Godlif Sianipar
Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas
Dr. Wen-Pin Lin
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages