Publications of the 5th IIF Conference

Between the Mountain and the Sea

Values, Education and Religion

  1. Pesantren and Religious Radicalism in Indonesia”. Syarif Hidayatullah. pp. 3–20.
  2. “Accounting and Accountability in the Catholic Church in Java: A Culture Shock?”. Antonius Diksa Kuntara. pp. 21–33.
  3. “Support for Pluralism and the Role of Indonesia’s State Islamic Universities”. Melissa Umbro Teetzel and Samuel Seaman. pp. 34–48.
  4. “Learning Virtue: Emulation and Selfhood in a Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School for Girls”. Claire-Marie Hefner. pp. 49–63.
  5. “Reforming Teacher Training for Better Education in Indonesia”. Priadi Surya. pp. 64–80.
  6. “The Use of English in Multilingual Indonesia: Identity Construction”. Bening Parwitasukci. pp. 81–106.
  7. “Disaster and Human Rights Protection: Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Policy after the Mt. Merapi Eruption, Yogyakarta, Indonesia”. Mimin Dwi Hartono. pp. 107–28.

Nature, Society and Communities

  1. “A Model of Disaster Mitigation in the Ecotourism Development of Indah Widarapayung Beach, Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia”. Triana Ahdiati and Solahuddin Kusumanegara. pp. 131–51.
  2. “Meeting the Challenge of Economic Growth and Advancement at the Foot of the Mountain: The Taman Dayak in West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. Johan Weintré. pp. 178–94.
  3. “Mountainous Javanese People in a Changing World: Complexity of Local Cultures in the Market Era”. Ikwan Setiawan. pp. 195–214.
  4. “Mentawai and the Challenge of Regional Autonomy: Ancestral Identity in a New Model”. Maskota Delfi. pp. 215–39.
  5. “Knowledge and Power in the LUSI Era: Information and Disaster in East Java”. Phillip Drake. pp. 240–70.

Narratives and Cultural Practices

  1. “An Empire State of the Mind: Malayu Imaginings of Rum and the Early Modern Ottoman Empire”. Faizah Zakaria. pp. 273–301.
  2. “Breaking the Anti-Communist Narrative in Indonesia: Learning from Syarikat Indonesia’s Mediation Process”. Muhammad Khoirul Muqtafa. pp. 302–30.
  3. “Contesting Discourses on Citizenship in Post-Suharto Indonesia”. Suzanna Eddyono. pp. 331–50.
  4. “The Ties that Bind – Early Marriage in Yogyakarta”. Tracy Wright Webster. pp. 351–66.
  5. “Health and Medicine in Indonesia: Ideas and Practices from East and West”. Hans Pols. pp. 367–87.
  6. “Islam as a Lifestyle: A Study of Ummi, a Female Dakwah Magazine in Post-Suharto Indonesia”. Arie Setyaningrum Pamungkas. pp. 388–419.
  7. “Indonesian Cultural Heritage Protection in the Pacific Rim Context: the Dichotomy between Domestic Intellectual Property Rights and External Exploitative Imperatives”. Dina W. Kariodimedjo and David Price. pp. 420–448.
  8. “Increasing Small and Medium Enterprises’ Capacity in the Cibaduyut Footwear Business Cluster, West Java, in a Globalized World”. Aknolt Kristian Pakpahan. pp. 449–75.