Values, Education and Religion
- “Pesantren and Religious Radicalism in Indonesia”. Syarif Hidayatullah. pp. 3–20.
- “Accounting and Accountability in the Catholic Church in Java: A Culture Shock?”. Antonius Diksa Kuntara. pp. 21–33.
- “Support for Pluralism and the Role of Indonesia’s State Islamic Universities”. Melissa Umbro Teetzel and Samuel Seaman. pp. 34–48.
- “Learning Virtue: Emulation and Selfhood in a Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School for Girls”. Claire-Marie Hefner. pp. 49–63.
- “Reforming Teacher Training for Better Education in Indonesia”. Priadi Surya. pp. 64–80.
- “The Use of English in Multilingual Indonesia: Identity Construction”. Bening Parwitasukci. pp. 81–106.
- “Disaster and Human Rights Protection: Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Policy after the Mt. Merapi Eruption, Yogyakarta, Indonesia”. Mimin Dwi Hartono. pp. 107–28.
Nature, Society and Communities
- “A Model of Disaster Mitigation in the Ecotourism Development of Indah Widarapayung Beach, Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia”. Triana Ahdiati and Solahuddin Kusumanegara. pp. 131–51.
- “Meeting the Challenge of Economic Growth and Advancement at the Foot of the Mountain: The Taman Dayak in West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. Johan Weintré. pp. 178–94.
- “Mountainous Javanese People in a Changing World: Complexity of Local Cultures in the Market Era”. Ikwan Setiawan. pp. 195–214.
- “Mentawai and the Challenge of Regional Autonomy: Ancestral Identity in a New Model”. Maskota Delfi. pp. 215–39.
- “Knowledge and Power in the LUSI Era: Information and Disaster in East Java”. Phillip Drake. pp. 240–70.
Narratives and Cultural Practices
- “An Empire State of the Mind: Malayu Imaginings of Rum and the Early Modern Ottoman Empire”. Faizah Zakaria. pp. 273–301.
- “Breaking the Anti-Communist Narrative in Indonesia: Learning from Syarikat Indonesia’s Mediation Process”. Muhammad Khoirul Muqtafa. pp. 302–30.
- “Contesting Discourses on Citizenship in Post-Suharto Indonesia”. Suzanna Eddyono. pp. 331–50.
- “The Ties that Bind – Early Marriage in Yogyakarta”. Tracy Wright Webster. pp. 351–66.
- “Health and Medicine in Indonesia: Ideas and Practices from East and West”. Hans Pols. pp. 367–87.
- “Islam as a Lifestyle: A Study of Ummi, a Female Dakwah Magazine in Post-Suharto Indonesia”. Arie Setyaningrum Pamungkas. pp. 388–419.
- “Indonesian Cultural Heritage Protection in the Pacific Rim Context: the Dichotomy between Domestic Intellectual Property Rights and External Exploitative Imperatives”. Dina W. Kariodimedjo and David Price. pp. 420–448.
- “Increasing Small and Medium Enterprises’ Capacity in the Cibaduyut Footwear Business Cluster, West Java, in a Globalized World”. Aknolt Kristian Pakpahan. pp. 449–75.