Publications of the 3rd IIF Conference

Social Justice

Civil Society and Societal Justice

  1. “Civil Society and Democratic Consolidation in Indonesia: Problems and Challenges”. Hurriyah. pp. 11–54.
  2. “Why the State Fails to Tackle Corruption: Ineffectiveness and Ambiguity of Responses”. Budy Setiyono. pp. 55–90.
  3. “The Role of NGOs, the Electoral Commission (KPU), and the Ministry of Home Affairs in Crafting the Comprehensive Voter’s Rights”. Ikhsan Darmawan. pp. 91–110.
  4. “In Praise of Corruption”. Mason C. Hoadley. pp. 111–46.
  5. “Citizen Journalism and Media Pluralism in Indonesia”. Yohanes Widodo. pp. 147–86.

Social Justice and Religion

  1. “Pluralism versus Islamic Orthodoxy: Public Debate over Lia Aminuddin, Founder of Salamullah Religious Cult”. Al Makin. pp. 187–206.
  2. “The Plurality of Religious Pluralism in Indonesia: Three Cases from Central Java”. Sung-Min Kim. pp. 207–48.
  3. “Conceptualizing Feminist Identity and Gender Issues among Muslim Intellectual Elites in Indonesia”. Alimatul Qibtiyah. pp. 249–88.
  4. “Local Discourse and Practice of Women’s Leadership: Contemporary Interpretation of Kodrat Perempuan in Public Engagement”. Kusmana. pp. 289–335.

Regional Rights

  1. “Lifting the Veil on Social Justice in the West Kalimantan Border Region of Borneo”. Johan Weintré. pp. 335–80.
  2. “Decentralization in Indonesia: Strengthening or Weakening Nationalism”. Joko Purnomo. pp. 381–402.
  3. “Activating Adat: The Continuous Search for Rights and Recognition in Indonesia”. Adam D. Tyson. pp. 403–30.
  4. “Developing Public Trust in Policymaking for a Transitional Society: A Papua Case Study”. Theofransus Litaay. pp. 431–50.
  5. “In and Out of the Newspapers: Ethnic Land Claims and the Regional Press in East Kalimantan”. Laurens Bakker. pp. 451–76.

People in the Margin of Society

  1. “Japanese Diaspora in Indonesia”. Eiichi Hayashi. pp. 477–92.
  2. “A Case of Romusha in Yogyakarta”. Frank Dhont. pp. 493–514.