The 2015 International Indonesia Forum’s Working Paper Series consists of papers presented at the 8th IIF Conference at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Working papers are accessible online by clicking on the title of the paper in questions.
- Volume 1: “Transition to Modernity: A Comparative Study of Local Politics and Religious Harmony in West Sumatra and North Sulawesi“. Delmus Puneri Salim, Srifani Simbuka, and Muzwir Luntajo.
- Volume 2: “The Implementation of Sufi Traditions on The Jama’ah Pengajian Al-Hikam, Radio Mayangkara FM, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia: A Sociolinguistic Analysis“. Muhammad Yunus Anis.
- Volume 3: “Tattoos in Mentawai: Markers of Identity and Contemporary Art“. Maskota Delfi.
- Volume 4: “The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Enabling Economic Opportunities for the Poor: A Synthesis of the Literature and Empirical Works“. Rosdiana Sijabat.
- Volume 5: “Tradition and Modernity in Javanese Women in Modern Indonesian Novels“. Nugraheni Eko Wardani.
- Volume 6: “The Traditional Dhukutan Ceremony in Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Regency, Indonesia“. Sumarwati.