The 2014 International Indonesia Forum’s Working Paper Series consists of papers presented at the 7th IIF Conference at the Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University. Working papers are accessible online by clicking on the title of the paper in questions.
- Volume 1: “Between the Village and the City: Representing Colonial Indonesia in the Films of Saeroen“. Christopher A. Woodrich.
- Volume 2: “Cultural Practices and Grass Root Democracy Strengthening: A Case Study in Two Communities’ Collective Recovery in Indonesia’s Post-Disaster Situations“. Laila Kholid Alfirdaus.
- Volume 3: “Investigating the Potential of Social Media to Facilitate Professional “Gotong Royong” Cooperation and Representation for Teaching “Local Content” in Aceh, Indonesia“. Christine Pheeny.
- Volume 4: “Female Representation in Local Contexts: Women’s Leadership in Tasikmalaya“. Kusmana.
- Volume 5: “The Politics of Piety in Indonesian Democracy: A Study on Implementation of Zakat in West Sumatra“. Delmus Salim.
- Volume 6: “Terror Tactics – Shootings of Indonesian Police and the Definition of Terror“. Adam Fenton, Hery Firmansyah, and David Price.
- Volume 7: “The Politics of Piety in Indonesian Democracy: A Study on Implementation of Zakat in West Sumatra“. Cahyo Pamungkas.
- Volume 8: “Factors That Affect The Demand For Mudharabah Sharia Financing“. Elis Ratna Wulan and Yayat Rahmat Hidayat.
- Volume 9: “Border Regions: A Case Study of The Boundaries of Malang-Kediri Regencies“. Reza Hudiyanto, Ari Sapto, and Ardyanto Tanjung.